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First Name*
* First name
Last Name*
* Last name
* Email
Phone Number*
* Phone Number
Nationality* Please select Afghan Albanian Algerian American American Samoan Andorran Angolan Anguillan Antiguan, Barbudan Argentine Armenian Aruban; Dutch Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bahamian Bahraini Bangladeshi Barbadian or Bajan (colloquial) Belarusian Belgian Belizean Beninese Bermudian Bhutanese Bissau-Guinean Bolivian Bosnian, Herzegovinian Brazilian British British Virgin Islander Bruneian Bulgarian Burkinabe Burmese Burundi Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Cape Verdean Caymanian Central African Chadian Channel Islander Chilean Chinese Christmas Islander Cocos Islander Colombian Comoran Congolese or Congo Cook Islander Costa Rican Croatian Cuban Cypriot Czech Danish Djiboutian Dominican Dutch Dutch Antillean Ecuadorian Egyptian Emirati Equatorial Guinean or Equatoguinean Eritrean Estonian Ethiopian Falkland Island Faroese Fijian Finnish French French Guianese French Polynesian Gabonese Gambian Georgian German Ghanaian Gibraltar Greek Greenlandic Grenadian Guadeloupe Guamanian Guatemalan Guinean Guyanese Haitian Honduran Hong Kong Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Jamaican Japanese Jordanian Kazakhstani Kenyan Kiribatian Kittitian, Nevisian Korean Kosovar Kuwaiti Kyrgyzstani Lao or Laotian Latvian Lebanese Liberian Libyan Liechtenstein Lithuanian Luxembourg Macedonian Mahoran Malagasy Malawian Malaysian Maldivian Malian Maltese Manx Marshallese Martiniquais Mauritanian Mauritian Mexican Micronesian; Kosrae(s) Moldovan Monegasque or Monacan Mongolian Montenegrin Montserratian Moroccan Mosotho Motswana (singular) Mozambican Myanmar NA Namibian Nauruan Nepalese New Caledonian New Zealander Ni-Vanuatu Nicaraguan Nigerian Nigerien Niuean none Norfolk Islander(s) Norwegian Omani Pacific Islander Pakistani Palauan Palestinian Panamanian Papua New Guinean Paraguayan Peruvian Philippine Pitcairn Islander Polish Portuguese Puerto Rican Qatari Reunionese Romanian Russian Rwandan Sahrawian, Sahraouian Saint Helenian Saint Lucian Saint Vincentian or Vincentian Salvadoran Sammarinese Samoan Sao Tomean Saudi or Saudi Arabian Senegalese Serbian Serbian; Montenegrin Seychelles Sierra Leonean Singaporean Slovak Slovenian Solomon Islander Somali South African South Sudanese Spanish Sri Lankan Sudanese Surinamese Swazi Swedish Swiss Syrian Taiwanese Tajikistani Tanzanian Thai Timorese Togolese Tokelauan Tongan Trinidadian, Tobagonian Tunisian Turkish Turkmen Turks Islander, Caicos Islander Tuvaluan Ugandan Ukrainian Uruguayan Uzbekistani Venezuelan Vietnamese Virgin Islander Wallisian, Futunan, or Wallis and Futuna Islander Yemeni Zambian Zimbabwean
* Nationality
Date of Birth*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
* Date of birth
Gender* Please select Female Male Neutral Other
* Gender
Preferred Commencement Date - UNSW* 18/11/2024 25/11/2024
* Preferred Commencement Date
Preferred Commencement Date - USYD SA* 06/02/2025
* Preferred Commencement Date
Preferred Commencement Date - USYD Sem1 2025* 06/02/2025
* Preferred Commencement Date
Preferred Commencement Date - USYD Spring Friendly* 09/01/2025
* Preferred Commencement Date
Preferred Commencement Date - Generic*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
* Preferred Commencement Date
Preferred Departure Date - UNSW* 21/12/2024 12/01/2025
* Preferred Departure Date
Preferred Length of Stay - UTS* Full Year
* How long would you like to stay with us?
What property are you interested in? - UNSW* Please select Scape Redfern Scape Darling Square Scape Darling House
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - USYD Study Abroad* Please select Scape Redfern Scape Darling Square Scape at University of Sydney Scape Quay
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select Scape Darlington Scape Darling House Scape Quay Scape Redfern Scape at University of Sydney
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - USYD Spring Friendly* Please select Scape Cleveland Scape Sydney Central Scape Darling House
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - UTS* Please select Broadway x Scape Boundary x Scape Mountain x Scape
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - CAC* Please select Scape Swanston Scape Cornell Place Scape Carlton Scape Merivale Scape South Bank Scape Tribune
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - CMI* Please select Scape Swanston Scape Cornell Place Scape Carlton Scape Victoria Street Scape Franklin
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - HotelAus* Please select Scape Swanston Scape Cornell Place Scape Carlton Scape Merivale Scape South Bank Scape Tribune Scape Redfern Scape Darling House Scape Darlington
* What property are you interested in?
What property are you interested in? - TCA* Please select Scape Swanston Scape Cornell Place Scape Carlton Scape Victoria Street Scape Franklin Scape Melbourne Central
* What property are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Redfern - UNSW* Please select Medium Studio King Single Bed $549 Medium Studio Double Bed $839
* What room at Scape Redfern are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darling House - UNSW* King Single Bed Ensuite $949 King Single Bed Ensuite View $959
* What room at Scape Darling House are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darling Square - UNSW* Please select Medium Studio Double Bed $889 Large Twin King Single Bed $599
* What room at Scape Darling Square are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Redfern - USYD SA* Please select 5 Bed Ensuite Apartment - Double Bed - $739 per week
* What room at Scape Redfern are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Quay - USYD SA* Please select 6 Bed Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $689 per week
* What room at Scape Quay are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape at University of Sydney - USYD SA* Please select Twin 8 Bed Apartment - King Single Bed - $549 per week Large Twin Apartment - King Single Bed - $569 per week 6 Bed Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $749 per week 5 Bed Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $769 per week
* What room at Scape at University of Sydney are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darling House - USYD Spring Friendly* Please select King Single Bed Ensuite - $899 per week Twin Apartment - King Single Bed - $779 per week
* What room at Scape Darling House are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darling Square - USYD SA* Please select 5 Bed Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $729 per week
* What room at Scape Darling House are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Cleveland - USYD Spring Friendly* Please select 6 Bed Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $629 per week
* What room at Scape Cleveland are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Sydney Central - USYD Spring Friendly* Please select Twin 8 Bed Apartment - Single Bed - $469 per week
* What room at Scape Sydney Central are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Redfern - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select Medium Twin Apartment - King Single Bed - $549 per week 5 Bed Apartment Ensuite - Double Bed - $739 per week Medium Studio - Double Bed - $839 per week Medium Studio with Balcony - Double Bed - $849 per week
* What room at Scape Redfern are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Quay - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select 4 Bed Apartment Ensuite - King Single Bed - $719 per week 6 Bed Apartment Ensuite - King Single Bed - $689 per week
* What room at Scape Quay are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darlington - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select Studio - Double Bed - $809 per week Medium Studio - Double Bed - $829 per week Medium Studio with Balcony - Double Bed - $849 per week Large Studio - Double Bed - $899 per week
* What room at Scape Darlington are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape University of Sydney - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select 5 Bed Apartment Ensuite - King Single Bed - $769 per week Twin 6 Bed Apartment - King Single Bed - $559 per week
* What room at Scape at The University of Sydney are you interested in?
Room Type - Scape Darling House - USYD Sem1 2025* Please select Ensuite Apartment - King Single Bed - $899 per week Twin Apartment - King Single Bed - $769 per week
* What room at Scape Darling House are you interested in?
Room Type - Boundary - UTS* Please select 3 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $474 per week 4 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $455 per week 6 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $427 per week 7 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $408 per week Large Studio Double Bed - $788 per week Studio King Single Bed - $569 per week
* What room at Boundary X Scape are you interested in?
Room Type - Broadway - UTS* Please select 2 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $503 per week 3 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $484 per week 4 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $474 per week 6 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $465 per week 7 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $455 per week 8 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $436 per week 9 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $408 per week Large Studio Double Bed - $588 per week
* What room at Broadway X Scape are you interested in?
Room Type - Moutain - UTS* Please select 6 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $436 per week 7 Bed Shared Apartment King Single Bed - $427 per week Large Studio Double Bed - $560 per week Twin Room in a 6 Bed Shared Apartment Single Bed - $322 per week Twin Room in a 8 Bed Shared Apartment Single Bed - $313 per week
* What room at Mountain X Scape are you interested in?
Room Type - Generic* Studio Room - Your own private space. Twin Shared - Room for two – split the space, share the fun! Multi-Share Apartment - Live with friends – shared rooms, shared adventures! Premium Room – Extra space, extra comfort!
* What type of room are you after?
How did you hear about us?* Please select Accommodation Agent Event/Open Day/O-Week Google/Online Search Social Media WeChat Accommodation Listing Outdoor Media Online Banner Ad Returning Student University/Educational Institution Word of Mouth Walked Past Property
* How did you hear about us?
Special Requirements
Special Requirements
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Mktg Comms Consent *